Casey Movers

Casey Movers

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Moving home with pets and children

Moving home is stressful enough as an adult, but for your children and pets it can often be a much more intense experience. Generally, children are quite resistant to sudden change, and the same can be said of most domestic animals too. There are a few things you can do, however, to make sure that your move has minimal negative impact on your family, and even create a positive experience for children especially.

Preparing for the move

Its best to inform your children you are moving home as soon as possible. The sooner they are aware of the fact and the more time they will have to come to terms with the idea. It can also be a good idea to bring your children with you to see your new home before you move in. This will give them a sense of what to expect, and you could even let them choose their room and so on, giving them something to look forward to.

For your pets, its a good idea to get them checked out at your local vets to make sure they are healthy before the move. Also, if they are not used to car travel, you can try taking them with you on a run to the shops or if you have other quick errands. This will acclimatise them to travel slowly, if they are not used to it, and make moving day a bit less stressful for them.

Get your children involved

While of course, most of the hard work should be dealt with by the adults, there are other ways that you can get your children involved. The range of options largely depends on what age they are. If you have young children, then you can ask them about helping you out with ideas for decoration or where to put furniture, especially in their own rooms. This help them feel involved in the relocation process and not only get used to the idea of moving but hopefully create something for them to look forward to as well.

For older or teenage children, moving home may not be as much of an upheaval, but it can still be worth getting them involved. Older children might be able to help you with the packing and organising, as well as clearing out old things from the house, and so on.

Either way, do your best to make sure that your children feel part of the process, and make sure you answer any questions they might have about moving home. They might not all come at once, so make sure you are able to give your children the time to make them feel comfortable with moving. Keep an eye out for any changes in behaviour, as these can be signs of stress. If your child is not sleeping well, or changes their behaviour drastically, then they may be concerned about the move. Make it clear that they can talk to you about it at anytime, and consult your doctor for additional advice if necessary.

Pets and moving day

Most pets wont like being cooped up in a travel cage for long, and even if you have acclimatised them to it somewhat as suggested above, it can be a good idea to make sure they have a favourite toy or something that smells familiar with them. Ideally, try to travel with your pets. They wont take up much space in the car, so you can easily take them yourself. Constantly reassuring them vocally can be helpful to keep them at ease when travelling, and if you have children travelling with you, keep the pets close to them so they both have some company for the journey.

The article has been written on behalf of:

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